[Video]Arita promotional animation video!
Saga prefecture launched a promo animation video on a porcelain town Arita!
"A Container of Promise, First Love in Arita" 「約束の器 有田の初恋」
There are...

アリタノヒビキ ARITA NO HIBIKI vol.0
Vol. 0"Arita Porcelain 400th Anniversary""Tousen castle 800th Anniversary"
- Free newspaper, published by Arita T...
Arita Toji Bijutsukan (Arita Ceramic Museum)
JP: 有田陶磁美術館/ありたとうじびじゅつかん
The museum shows its collections with wide range of times. One of the most interesting pieces is a large dish featuring i...
Aritamachi Rekishiminzoku Shiryokan (History and Folklore Museum of ARITA)
JP: 有田町民族歴史資料館/ありたまちれきしみんぞくしりょうかん
Located just beside the Izumiyama Quarry. The museum tells the history of Arita with displays and documents abou...
Ri Sanpei No Hi (Monument of Ri Sanpei)
JP: 李参平の碑/りさんぺいのひ
Erected in 1917, in the area of Tozan shrine in Arita town, in celebration of 300 years of Arita porcelain production. It stan...
Shoki Imari (Early Imari)
JP: 初期伊万里/しょきいまり
Porcelain products made in the region of what is now Arita in the early 17th century. Most of them are blue and white painted pie...
U-tan Dori (U-tan Street)
JP: うーたん通り/うーたんどおり
Common nickname of an area on the south side of Kami Arita station. About 25 shops and kilns are located in this area. At the p...